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Αρχική / ΒΙΒΛΙΑ / Books in Εnglish / Arts / Music / ENGLAND'S DREAMING-SEX PISTOLS AND PUNK ROCK


Savage, Jon

Εκδότης Faber & Faber , ISBN 9780571326280

Jon Savage's Ralph Gleason Award-winning England's Dreaming is the ultimate book on punk, its progenitors, the Sex Pistols, and their time: the late 1970s. Full of anedcote, insight, and exclusive interviews, it tells the sensational story of the meteoric rise and rapid decline of the last great rock'n'roll band and the cultural moment they came to define.

The critical reputation of England's Dreaming has grown over the past decade and a half, and now it joins the Faber Modern Classics list. This updated edition includes a brand new foreword by Johnny Marr, an account of the Sex Pistols 1996 reunion, and a comprehensively updated discography.


Jon Savage's Ralph Gleason Award-winning England's Dreaming is the ultimate book on punk, its progenitors, the Sex Pistols, and their time: the late 1970s. Full of anedcote, insight, and exclusive interviews, it tells the sensational story of the meteoric rise and rapid decline of the last great rock'n'roll band and the cultural moment they came to define.

The critical reputation of England's Dreaming has grown over the past decade and a half, and now it joins the Faber Modern Classics list. This updated edition includes a brand new foreword by Johnny Marr, an account of the Sex Pistols 1996 reunion, and a comprehensively updated discography.

Πληροφορίες προϊόντος

  • Συγγραφέας Savage, Jon
  • Eκδότης Faber & Faber
  • ISBN 9780571326280
  • Κωδικός Ευριπίδη 040100059208
  • Έτος κυκλοφορίας
  • Σελίδες 0
  • Διαστάσεις
  • Βάρος 0 gr

Savage, Jon


Jon Savage is the author of England's Dreaming: Sex pistols and Punk Rock and Teenage: The Creation of Youth, 1875 - 1945. He has written sleevesnotes for Wire, St. Etienne and the Pet Shop Boys, among others, and his compilations include: Meridian 1970 (Heavenly/EMI 2005); Queer Noises: From the Closest to the Charts 1961 - 1976 (Trikont 2006); and Dreams Come True: Classic Electro 1982-87 (Domino 2008). More books by Jon Savage

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