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Iggulden, Conn

Εκδότης Harper Collins , ISBN 9780007353279

The third novel in the No. 1 bestselling Conqueror series, following the life and adventures of the mighty Genghis Khan and his descendants

Genghis Khan has fulfilled his dream of uniting the many warring tribes of his lands into one great nation. He has taken his armies against the mighty cities of their oldest enemies. Now he finds trouble rising west of the Mongolian plains. His emissaries are being mutilated or killed and his trading gestures rebuffed. He decides to divide his armies to conquer, using his sons as generals and sending them out simultaneously in many directions.

As well as discovering new territories and laying waste the cities which resist, Genghis knows that the actions of his generals will help him decide who, from his rival sons and heirs, should succeed him as khan.


The third novel in the No. 1 bestselling Conqueror series, following the life and adventures of the mighty Genghis Khan and his descendants

Genghis Khan has fulfilled his dream of uniting the many warring tribes of his lands into one great nation. He has taken his armies against the mighty cities of their oldest enemies. Now he finds trouble rising west of the Mongolian plains. His emissaries are being mutilated or killed and his trading gestures rebuffed. He decides to divide his armies to conquer, using his sons as generals and sending them out simultaneously in many directions.

As well as discovering new territories and laying waste the cities which resist, Genghis knows that the actions of his generals will help him decide who, from his rival sons and heirs, should succeed him as khan.

Πληροφορίες προϊόντος

  • Συγγραφέας Iggulden, Conn
  • Eκδότης Harper Collins
  • ISBN 9780007353279
  • Κωδικός Ευριπίδη 040100039154
  • Έτος κυκλοφορίας 2009
  • Σελίδες 0
  • Διαστάσεις
  • Βάρος 350 gr

Iggulden, Conn


Conn Iggulden is one of the most successful authors of historical fiction writing today. His two number one bestselling series, on Julius Caesar and on the Mongol Khans of Central Asia, describe the founding of the greatest empires of their day. Conn Iggulden lives in Hertfordshire with his wife and their children. See our Author Page for Conn Iggulden More books by Conn Iggulden

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