Εκτεταμένη αναζήτηση


McGeachin, Jess

Εκδότης WELBECK , ISBN 9781803380810

Remote, mysterious, exotic, unforgettable: islands are captivating and unique places. But what makes them so special? Take a trip across the globe to explore 18 of the world's most intriguing islands and discover their stories. Some islands are busy, bustling homes to many people, while others have almost no life at all.

Some are covered in thick jungle, others in freezing ice. Some are millions of years old, and others are brand new. Islands come in countless shapes and sizes, and this book lets you explore.

Turn the pages to climb their mountains, swim in their seas, discover their histories, wonder at their treasures - and above all, be inspired.


Remote, mysterious, exotic, unforgettable: islands are captivating and unique places. But what makes them so special? Take a trip across the globe to explore 18 of the world's most intriguing islands and discover their stories. Some islands are busy, bustling homes to many people, while others have almost no life at all.

Some are covered in thick jungle, others in freezing ice. Some are millions of years old, and others are brand new. Islands come in countless shapes and sizes, and this book lets you explore.

Turn the pages to climb their mountains, swim in their seas, discover their histories, wonder at their treasures - and above all, be inspired.

Πληροφορίες προϊόντος

  • Συγγραφέας McGeachin, Jess
  • Eκδότης WELBECK
  • ISBN 9781803380810
  • Κωδικός Ευριπίδη 040100081906
  • Έτος κυκλοφορίας 2023
  • Σελίδες 64
  • Διαστάσεις 28χ23
  • Βάρος 350 gr
  • Ηλικία Για Ηλικία 6-9

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